Mental Health
CNWL Talking Therapies: 01895 206 538.
Hillingdon Cove Café operate a drop-in/no appointment crisis service between 2pm to
10pm 365 days a year. 07827 535271 or visit: Haya House Community Centre, 90 East Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex. UB3 2HR
Single Point of Access (SPA) Urgent Advice Line: 0800 0234 650
ARCH, Alcohol & Substance misuse help and support: 01895 207 777
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0800 9177 650
Narcotics Anonymous: 0300 999 1212
SCOPE: provides practical information and emotional support for those with a disability 0808 800 3333
Hillingdon Recovery College: Or call 020 3214 568
Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA): Call on 0300 456 2370
HopeLine UK: If you are a young person at risk of suicide. Call 0800 068 41 41, Text 07860 039967 or email
Talk to Frank: Call 0300 123 6600, email through the website Text 82111
Life Signs: Self-injury and Self-harm
Listening Place: Call: 020 3906 7676 Website:
Battle Scars, self-injury support Battle Scars – Virtual adult peer support group for 18+ and resources.
Additional Support for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME)
Hillingdon Refugee Support Group (HRSG): Email 01895 434 728
HostNation offers friendship and social opportunities to asylum seekers and refugees
BAATN The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network. Home of the largest community of Counsellors and Psychotherapists of Black, African, Asian and Caribbean Heritage in the UK. Email
Black Minds Matter UK. The aim of Black Minds Matter is to ensure that black people in the UK can access mental health support. Online enquiry form
Diwa Asian Women’s Network (DAWN). They offer mental health and social support. There number is 02084276796
The Austin Sewing Club support ladies from Afghanistan. They meet every Thursday at Austin Estate, Community Room, Hayes. 9.30am- 12.30pm.
Additional Support for LGBTQ+
MindOut: Tel: 01273 234839. Email:
Facebook forum –Hillingdon LGBT
Mosaic Trust: Call 0300 800 5428 or 07550 124 393. Email
The Proud Trust, make contact directly through the website.
All Sorts Youth Project: Get 24/7 help from GIVE US A SHOUT and their team of crisis volunteers by TEXTING 85258
Spectra: Sexual Health– Online contact form
Hearing Voices
The Recovery College for the Black Country has support groups for over 18 Year old. Call 0121 543 4061 or visit Hearing Voices Support Group
Voice Collective, Mind in Camden. Call 0207 911 0822
Hearing Voices Network. Email via their website
Understanding Voices provides support for voice-hearers and their families
InterVoice is an International Hearing Voices Movement
Physical Health
Quit Smoking– Try a text message program. Sign up for SmokefreeTXT online or text QUIT to 47848.
Hillingdon Borough Health Lifestyle Action Programme: Sign up to a 12 week programme here
Public Health England: Change4Life Campaign
Finances, Benefits & Housing.
DASH, Uxbridge: Call 020 8848 8319 or email
StepChange Debt Charity: Call 0800 138 1111
Shelter: Call 0344 515 1540
Citizens Advice: Call 0808 278 7893
Hillingdon Credit Union: 01895 250958
Hestia, supports adults and children who are suffering from domestic abuse or modern day slavery: 020 7378 3100.
National Centre for Domestic Violence: Call 0207 186 8270 or 0800 970 2070 (Press Option 1).
Adult and Elder Abuse Helpline: 0808 8088 141
Victim Support: 08 08 16 89 111
Hillingdon Adult Education Centre
Hillingdon Women’s centre: Call 01895 259 578 or email Address: 333 Long Lane, Uxbridge, UB10 9JU
U3A: central office a call on 020 8466 6139 or email Website Trust U3A U3A: Membership Renewal / Join us
Hillingdon Group, Call 07503 772428 Dovetail Bereavement Support. Hillingdon Park Baptist Church, 25 Hercies Road, Hillingdon, UB10 9LS
First Monday of the month, 10am – 11.30am